#i live i guess



❤️: what’s the working title?
: what were previous working titles/ideas?
: what is the title based on?
: how long have you been working on it?
: how has the idea changed between starting it and where it is now?
: where are you in the writing process?
: what are your MC names?
: give a brief character bio of your 3-5 MCs
❣️: which scene has been hardest to write so far?
: what has your favorite scene been?
: which future scene are you looking forward to writing?
: is it part of a series or standalone?
: what genre is it in?
: are you planning on publishing it? if so, how?
: give us a huge spoiler
: who has your favorite character arch? give a brief summary
: how is your style different in this work compared to previous ones? has it more shifted for the story or just developed in general?
